VIDEC’s singular niche in the global travel, tourism and hospitality domain gives an edge to its clients – investors, entrepreneurs, and executives globally.
VIDEC’s expertise lies in meticulous travel, tourism and hospitality research, market sizing and projections, data analytics, consumer and B2B surveys. Our forte is in executing bespoke research and data analysis for our clients. We put this deep domain expertise to excellent use through buy and sell side advisory for mergers and acquisitions, as well as in commercial due diligence to help investors analyze targets from a revenue standpoint.

VIDEC helps its clients quantify the market opportunity and carve the roadmap for growth, by providing market sizing, projections, competitive benchmarking, trends, and consumer behavioral insights.
- Supply & demand dynamics
- Specialized foresight & strategic analysis
- Actionable & value-focused insights
- Benchmarking capabilities backed by deep domain expertise
- Leveraging analytics for informed business decisions

Organizations have an inordinate amount data on their customer demographics and transactions. But it does not translate to actionable insights, necessitating independent and overarching research.
Consumer research is the balance between behavioral and conceptual themes – what travelers do with why they do it.
- Cohorts
- Loyalty
- Perception
- Preference
- Sentiment

Consistent and in-depth contributions on industry trends and evolution inevitably leads to brand trust and industry recognition.
VIDEC enables its clients position themselves as a subject matter authority, guiding transformational industry conversations around:
- Innovation & Execution
- Conscious Growth & Sustainability
- Organic & Inorganic Strategy
- Competition & Collaboration
- Rethinking technologies

A rigorous and fact-based quantified assessment that helps you ward off any reservations and unravel synergies well in advance before the deal is inked.
We provide careful analysis of current and projected business conditions of the target, thoroughly review the underlining growth assumptions vis-à-vis current and future estimations, in view of the prevailing market dynamics and competitive landscape.
Questions we help answer:
- Addressable Opportunity: Off the total marketplace, what is the market size for the target?
- Market Dynamics: The market’s historical evolution and future trajectory?
- Defensibility: How strong is the target’s competitive position? Latent synergies.
- Scalability: How rapidly can the target’s revenue grow? What adjacent markets are available for the target?
- Sustainability: Complement the target’s revenue attributes with rigorous industry and traveler behavioral research to validate the underlying growth assumptions.
- Risk Assessment: What market risks exist and how can they be mitigated?

VIDEC’s financial advisory capabilities include assisting clients in executing buy-side and sell-side mandates across mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, corporate restructurings and leveraged buyouts. VIDEC has a strategic partnership with the leading global investment banking firm, Cambon Partners.
Leveraging its expertise in the travel, tourism & hospitality niche, and relationships with industry contacts, VIDEC adds value by identifying viable acquisition targets during buy-side processes, seeking to maximize firm value in sell-side processes, assessing the financial impact of potential transactions, assisting in due diligence efforts, and negotiating terms upon closing.
- Client-centric, not deal-centric.
- Collaborative: Take advantage of our clients’ and our combined expertise.
- Bespoke: Tailored and highly personalized process for each deal.
- Passionate: Nothing excites us as the intersection of travel and technology does.